Essay Contest Topic. The current multipolar era poses challenges for U.S. foreign policy but also provides new opportunities for partnership across world powers – including emerging great powers like China and Russia – to build peace in conflict-affected countries. Describe a current situation where American diplomats and peacebuilders are working with other world powers, as well as local and/or Sep 21, · Writing contests have always been extremely popular (at least as long as I've been around the writing community), but entry fees can really add up if you're frequently or widely entering competitions.. But there ARE a handful of national writing competitions—totally free to enter—that can make a huge impact on your writing career. Here are blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Essay Contest Topic. Turkey (Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs) Kenya (Bureau of African Affairs) Afghanistan (Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs) Iraq (Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs)
Essay Contests | Daughters of the American Revolution
USIP partners with the National essay contests Foreign Service Association AFSA on the annual National High School Essay Contest. to meet U. The current multipolar era poses challenges national essay contests U. foreign policy but also provides new opportunities for partnership across world powers—including emerging great powers like China and Russia—to build peace national essay contests conflict-affected countries.
A successful essay will lay out the strategies and tactics U. Foreign Service Officers and American peacebuilders are employing to build successful partnerships with other world and regional powers and with local actors in the chosen current situation. The essay will also describe specific ways that these partnerships are helping to promote stability and build peace.
Download the study guide for the National High School Essay Contest. This study guide provides students with a basic introduction to the topic and some additional context that can assist them in answering the question.
It includes the essay question, prizes, and rules for the contest; an introduction to diplomacy and peacebuilding; key terms; topics and areas students might explore; and a list of other useful resources. Mariam Parray, a sophomore from Pulaski Academy in Little Rock, Arkansas, is the National High School Essay Contest winner. Parray focuses on how the Foreign Service partnered with other U. government agencies and NGOs to effect a peaceful democratic transition in Tunisia.
She emphasizes the importance of multifaceted approaches as well as the importance of bringing marginalized groups into the fold, national essay contests. Coincidentally, he is also a sophomore from Pulaski Academy in Little Rock, Arkansas. Harrison will be attending the international diplomacy program of the National Student Leadership Conference this summer. The honorable mentions were: Louisa Eaton Wellesley, MA ; Samuel Goldston Brooklyn, NY ; Lucy King Bainbridge Island, WA ; Haan Jun Lee Jakarta, Indonesia ; Khaled Maalouf Beirut, Lebanon ; Madeleine Shaw Bloomington, IN ; Allison Srp Austin, MN ; and Daniel Zhang Cortland, NY.
What characteristics lead to a successful effort by diplomats and peacebuilders to mediate or prevent violent conflict? Peacebuilders work on the ground to create the conditions for peace and resolve conflicts where they are most needed. government, and then go on to analyze what characteristics and approaches made the enterprise a success.
It includes key terms in conflict management and peacebuilding and examples of peacebuilding initiatives, with reflection questions for independent learners to dig more deeply or for teachers to national essay contests class reflection and discussion. Jonas Lorincz, a junior from Marriotts Ridge High School in Marriottsville, MD, is the National High School Essay Contest winner.
Lorincz focused on the importance of interagency cooperation in mediating the crisis in Kosovo — primarily looking into how diplomats and other civilian agencies engaged in peacebuilding throughout the conflict. She is a junior at Mill Valley High School in Shawnee, KS. The honorable mentions were: Grace Cifuentes Concord, CAGrace Lannigan Easton, CTSeryung Park Tenafly, national essay contests, NJVynateya Purimetla Troy, MIDavid Richman Norfolk, VAMadeleine Shaw Bloomington, INnational essay contests, Sara Smith Fargo, NDand Jack Viscuso Northport, NY.
USIP congratulates all the winners of the National High School Essay Contest. How do members of the Foreign Service work with other civilian parts of the U. Government to promote peace, national security and economic prosperity? Qualified essays focused on a specific challenge to U. non-military U. Government agencies or organizations.
national security and economic prosperity. For the second year in a row, the National High School Essay Contest focused on an important aspect of operating in countries affected by or vulnerable to violent conflict: effective coordination of the many different foreign policy tools the United States has at its disposal. Whether you were addressing the prompt for a second year or new to the contest, the contest will have challenged you to expand your understanding of the role of the Foreign Service and other actors in foreign policy, identify case studies, and provide a sophisticated analysis in a concise manner.
The United States has many tools to advance and defend its foreign policy and national security interests around the world—from diplomatic approaches pursued by members of the Foreign Service, to the range of options available to the U. In countries affected by or vulnerable to violent conflict, peacebuilding tools are important additions to the national security toolkit.
In such complex environments, cooperation across agencies and approaches is challenging, national essay contests, but it can also blend knowledge and skills in ways that strengthen the overall effort to establish a lasting peace. On the other hand, lack of coordination can lead to duplication of effort, inefficient use of limited resources and unintended consequences. In a 1,word essay, identify two cases—one you deem successful and one you deem unsuccessful—where the U. pursued an integrated approach to build peace in a conflict-affected country, national essay contests.
Analyze and compare these two cases, addressing the following questions:. Download the study guide for the AFSA National High School Essay Contest. Jennifer John from Redwood City, CA is the National High School Essay Contest winner, surpassing close to 1, other submissions.
Her essay examined to what extent U. interagency efforts in Iraq and Bosnia were successful in building peace. Aislinn Niimi from Matthews, NC was the runner up. The honorable mentions were: Alex, DiCenso North Kingstown, RI ,Alexandra Soo Franklin, MICaroline Bellamy National essay contests Rock ARColin LeFerve Indianapolis, INElizabeth Kam Burlingham, CAEmma Singh Tenafly NJEmma Chambers Little Rock ARFrancesca Ciampa Brooksville, MEGreta Bunce Franktown, VAIsaac Che Mount Vernon OHIsabel Davis Elk River MNKatrina Espinoza Watsonvile, CAMolly Ehrig Bethlehem, PAPayton McGoldrick Bristow, VARachel Russell Cabin John, MDSarah Chapman Tucson, AZShalia Lothe Glen National essay contests VASohun Modha San Jose CASuhan Kacholia Chandler, AZSupriya Sharma Brewster, national essay contests, NYSydney Adams Fort Wayne, INnational essay contests, Tatum Smith Little Rock National essay contestsand William Milne Fort Wayne, IN.
Nicholas Deparle, winner of the AFSA National High School Essay Contest, comes from Sidwell Friends School in Washington DC. A rising senior at the time, Mr. Deparle covers the Internally Displaced Persons crisis in Iraq and potential ideas to help resolve the issue. Read his winning essay here.
Manuel Feigl, a graduate of Brashier Middle College Charter High School in Simpsonville, SC took second place. This year there were twenty honorable mentions: Mohammed Abuelem Little Rock, Ark. According to the United Nations, 65 million people worldwide have left their homes to seek safety elsewhere due to violence, conflict, persecution, or human rights violations. The majority of these people are refugees or internally displaced persons IDPs.
Imagine you are a member of the U. Foreign Service —— a diplomat working to promote peace, support prosperity, and protect American citizens while advancing the interests of the United States abroad — and are now assigned to the U. embassy in one of these four countries, national essay contests. Using the resources available to you as a member national essay contests the Foreign Service, write a memo to your Ambassador outlining how the United States might help national essay contests the current unprecedented levels of displacement.
You may choose to address issues related to the causes of refugee crisis, or to focus on the humanitarian crisis in your host country. Here you want to lay out the problem, define criteria by which you will be deciding the best steps the U. could take, and include a short sentence or two on your final recommendation. This section should provide any background national essay contests about the crisis or conflict relevant to your proposed policy.
Here, you should mention why the issue is important to U, national essay contests. interests, especially peace and security, national essay contests. This is where you outline your proposed policy, national essay contests. Be specific in describing how the U.
might address this issue and how these steps can contribute to peace and security. Include which organizations you propose partnering with and why.
This is where you write your final recommendations for embassy leadership. Think of this as a closing paragraph. It is no easy task to jump into the role of a diplomat, especially when confronted by such an urgent crisis. USIP, in consultation with National essay contests, developed a guide to provide a basic introduction to the topic and some additional context that can assist you in answering the question, while still challenging you to develop your own unique response.
As such, this guide should be used as a starting point to your own research and as you ultimately prepare a compelling memo outlining recommendations the U. government should follow to respond to the refugee and IDP crisis.
In the guide you will find: insights into the role of the Foreign Service; country, organization, national essay contests key-term briefs to provide a foundational understanding; and a list of other useful resources. Download the Companion Guide for the National High School Essay Contest.
USIP first partnered with AFSA for the contest and was pleased to welcome winner Dylan Borne to Washington in August. His paper describes his role as an economic officer in the U. He writes about promoting education for girls in Afghanistan through on-line courses and dispersal of laptops. Read his winning essay. We provide analysis, education, and resources to those working for peace around the world. More About USIP. Pictured left to right, Dr.
Gary Ransdell, National High School Essay Contest winner Wilson King, Deputy Sec. John Sullivan, Amb. National essay contests Rubin, Amb. Partnerships for National essay contests in a Multipolar Era The current multipolar era poses challenges for U. Contest deadline: April 4, Download the study guide for the National High School Essay Contest.
Diplomats and Peacebuilders: Powerful Partners What characteristics lead to a successful effort by diplomats and peacebuilders to mediate or prevent violent conflict? Contest deadline: National essay contests 5, Download the study guide for the National High School Essay Contest. Analyze and compare these two cases, addressing the following questions: What relative strengths did members of the Foreign Service and military actors bring to the table?
What peacebuilding tools were employed? Ultimately, what worked or did not work in each case? How was each situation relevant to U. national security interests? What lessons may be drawn from these experiences for the pursuit of U. foreign policy more broadly? A qualifying memo will be 1, words and will answer the following questions: How does the crisis challenge U.
Information Session on the 2021 National High School Essay Contest
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