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My first day at school essay

My first day at school essay

my first day at school essay

Jan 03,  · Below we have provided My First Day at School Essay in English, suitable for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6. It was a new place, a modern-day and first day of my school in St. Mary’s School. My father works in the police department as a police officer, so he keeps receiving transference from one place to another depending upon his work. I never had the opportunity to study in the same school and spend Reviews: 1 Sep 07,  · My First Day at School. Essay No. Life is full of new events. Going to a school for the first time for a child is to face a new situation. It is a new event for him because its atmosphere is quite different. First day at school is an experience which I cannot forget. Its memory is still fresh in my mind. It Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins May 14,  · On Monday I was preparing for my first day of high school. My backpack was filled with materials I needed such as pencils notebooks and a binder. The school called again and apparently; we have Tuesday off to. We had a four-day weekend it was okay, but I just wanted to get over the first day of school I was starting to get anxiety

My First Day at School Essay for Students in Easy* Words

Home — Essay Samples — Education — First Day of School — My First Day Of High School. Any subject. Any type of essay.

I knew that my first day of high school would be challenging. There would be higher expectations than middle school and the teachers would be stricter. I missed a lot of my classmates and that helped me forget about all that stuff I was worried about.

I was hoping this year would be a good year and I am about to go over my first day in high school, my first day at school essay. My phone rang on the day before school. It was a robot voicemail saying we delayed school until Tuesday, my first day at school essay.

This was because there was a huge blizzard in the area of the school near my house, school hangout spots it was getting bad outside. My school was also being used as a shelter for those whose houses who were getting damaged. The thick snow was everywhere we had to keep everyone window and door closed because it was getting into the houses and making a big mess. I had a perfect view of the blizzard from my room.

I could see everything like I was on the top of the world, my first day at school essay. However, I was kind of mad with the blizzard, my first day at school essay, I was also happy at the same time because we had an extra day of our weekend. On Monday I was preparing for my first day of high school.

My backpack was filled with materials I needed such my first day at school essay pencils notebooks and a binder. The school called again and apparently; we have Tuesday off to.

We had a four-day weekend it was okay, my first day at school essay, but I just wanted to get over the first day of school I was starting to get anxiety. I was asking myself when school my first day at school essay going to start. I was just hoping the first day of school would go perfect and even meet some new friends.

I walked into the school feeling nervous even though I walked through school doors every day in middle school this felt different. Everyone in high school is my first day at school essay to the real world. I thought eighth grade year was the best year ever I wish my eighth-grade class can have a reunion. I saw my first period and it was math I was kind of upset that I got this class for first period.

Doing math first thing in the morning can be frustrating. I was surrounded by sophomores, juniors, and seniors I noticed a couple familiar faces. I was excited how school was going to play out and what new friends I was going to meet. I had to walk up the stairs my first day at school essay my next class it was English. I then walked in and seen a couple of my friends this was just going to be a good day I felt like my friends and I were ready to learn and get the first day over with.

My teachers name was MS Popstar and I think she was ready to teach right away like she just wanted to get to the point.

I was starting to get hungry I realized lunch was after 4th period in middle school we had lunch after 3rd period so it felt different. I had 2 more classes to get through. the bell rang and it was next period realized I was going to be even more hungry and tired because I had gym and I know gym can be a lot of running and exercising.

I checked my schedule and I was wrong I was in the right classes just none of my friends were in my classes. We started to talk about what we did over the summer and how classes were today and if we liked our classes. My teacher started to tell us that we have a lot of projects in this class and we had to work with my first day at school essay group of 4.

My friend from middle school walked in and sat next to me then it made me feel a little bit better to know that I know someone in this class. My teacher talked about his personal life his who he was married to where he graduated. He even gave us a little advice about high school. I also had a couple of goals I wanted to do this year.

Such as be on honors roll, pass all my classes with a b or higher and finally perfect attendance all these were so important because its steps to be a successful person in life. Sixth period was the last period of the day and it felt so good to know that the day it about to be over and I am ready to go home and sleep.

Clearly, the first day of ninth grade was good. I enjoyed most of my teachers, classmates, and my classes. But it felt good I was now in high school. I felt as If I was already heading towards a successful future. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student.

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My First Day at School - Essay

my first day at school essay

Jan 03,  · Below we have provided My First Day at School Essay in English, suitable for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6. It was a new place, a modern-day and first day of my school in St. Mary’s School. My father works in the police department as a police officer, so he keeps receiving transference from one place to another depending upon his work. I never had the opportunity to study in the same school and spend Reviews: 1 Jul 16,  · Essay, Pages 3 ( words) Views. The first day if a new school is very difficult because you don’t know any one and u feel all alone. Most kids do good because they are a people person which can help because they talk to people and know were or how to get around from talking to other kids. There are also kids that don’t talk as much to other people they don’t know either because When people say the first day of school, the mind usually goes back to our first day in class nursery. But, that is not the same as everyone. When a person transfers to a new school, their first day of the new school is also a new experience. Thus, the first day of school essay will tell us about it in detail

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