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Family Policy Alliance
Not a MyNAP member yet? Register for a free account to start saving and receiving special member only perks. The previous chapter describes universal and widely available interventions designed to strengthen parenting and support parents of young children. This divorce harms children term paper turns to evidence-based and evidence-informed interventions used in a variety of settings e, divorce harms children term paper.
The chapter concludes with a summary. In a well-known book published some years ago titled Disadvantaged Children: What Have They Compelled Us to Learn? In much the same way, the committee believes that examining the needs of specific populations of parents and children, such as those with disabilities and families dealing with mental illness or other challenges, can highlight important principles that extend beyond the needs of those particular populations.
Among the challenges facing many parents is support and care of their young children who are either born with special needs or develop such needs early in life. This section describes research-based interventions for parents of children with developmental disabilities, behavioral and mental health disorders, 1 and serious or chronic medical illnesses, as well as very-low-birthweight, premature infants.
Parents often seek out these programs to divorce harms children term paper them develop skills, learn problem-solving approaches, or receive support because of the challenges they face in carrying out the type of parenting they wish to provide. Parents, and indeed family members, of children with developmental disabilities experience challenges that differ from those experienced by parents of typically developing children Woodman, Parents experiencing such emotional reactions require a period of time to adjust, divorce harms children term paper during that time, parenting and caregiving may be affected.
Some children with disabilities pose particular challenges because of developmental needs and behaviors that require specific parenting skills. or actions not required for children who are developing typically Durand et al.
In addition, parents of children with disabilities tend to experience challenges at certain points of transition during the early childhood years e. Young children with disabilities affect families in different ways, but a common finding in the literature is that parents of children with disabilities experience more stress than parents of typically developing children Woodman, Given the difficulties faced by parents of children with divorce harms children term paper, a range of programs focus on parenting skills and engagement for these parents.
Several entities at the federal level define disability, divorce harms children term paper. The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute on Child Health and Human Developmentdrawing on definitions issued by the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention n. Many of these conditions affect multiple body parts or systems. Intellectual disability starts any time before a child turns 18 and is characterized by problems with both: intellectual functioning or intelligence, which include the ability to learn, reason, problem solve, and other skills; and adaptive behavior, which includes everyday social and life skills.
The U. Department of Education also has established numerous definitions for disabilities that qualify children and families for early intervention and special education services through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IDEA U. Department of Education, b. IDEA notes that states are required to define developmental delay, but the term usually refers to a rate of development that is slower than normative rates in one or more of the following areas: physical development, cognitive development, communication, social or emotional development, or adaptive behavioral development.
In addition, a growing population of infants and young children are being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder ASD. Although IDEA defines autism as one of its eligibility categories, the ASD definition that researchers and divorce harms children term paper typically use is from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSMfifth edition DSM-5 American. Psychiatric Association, restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities.
For parents of children with developmental disabilities, the committee expands on the scope of parenting to encompass family-centered care as foundational for parenting practice Dunst and Trivette, Family-centered care is a critical concept in programs for young children with disabilities and is written into the provisions of IDEA, which outlines how services to children with disabilities should be provided see below, divorce harms children term paper.
The committee draws on a conceptual framework developed by Dunst and Espe-Sherwindt that explains the linkage among family-centered practices, early childhood intervention practices, and child outcomes see Figure to organize the literature in this section.
Dunst and Espe-Sherwindt propose two primary types of family-centered practice—relational practices and participatory practices—that underlie early childhood intervention. The early childhood intervention practices then lead to child outcomes.
Department of Education, a. This provision applies to children with disabilities from birth to age 3. After age 3, children with disabilities may. begin special education services that public school programs are required to provide.
The three clearinghouses reviewed by the committee for this study the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices [NREPP], Blueprints, and the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare [CEBC] do not cover the divorce harms children term paper on programs for parents of children with developmental disabilities, although some of the programs developed for other populations that are included in these clearinghouses have been used with families of children with disabilities e.
When available, divorce harms children term paper, the committee drew on information from evaluations of those programs that is relevant to children with disabilities, but the discussion in this section also includes findings from studies accessed directly from the research literature.
Interventions designed to support parents of children with developmental disabilities fall into four overlapping areas: family systems programs, instructional programs, interactional programs, and positive behavior support.
Each is discussed in turn below. Singer and colleagues conducted a meta-analysis examining the primary and secondary effects of parenting and stress management interventions for parents divorce harms children term paper children with developmental disabilities.
Among the 17 studies with experimental or quasi-experimental designs that qualified for the analysis based on the quality of their research methodology, the authors identified three classes of interventions: behavioral parent training i. They found that interventions in all three groups had significant effects on reducing psychological distress among mothers and fathers of children with developmental disabilities. In a randomized divorce harms children term paper trial involving 70 families of children with ASD, for example, Tonge and colleagues provided parent education and behavior management training in group and.
individual sessions. They found significantly positive outcomes divorce harms children term paper parents on the General Health Questionnaire postintervention and in follow-up. Feldman and Werner provided behavior management training with follow-up over a 3- to 6-month period for parents of children with developmental delays and found significantly lower levels of depression for parents randomized into the treatment group.
In their summary, Singer and colleagues note that interventions occurring over a longer period of time and having multiple components e.
In a recent randomized controlled trial of 59 parents of children with autism, parents received six individual sessions in a problem-solving education program, adapted from the well-known problem-solving treatment PST Feinberg et al. Each session focused on working through a problem identified by the mother using the steps of PST goal setting, brainstorming, evaluating solutions, choosing a solution, and action planning.
A more recent trend has been the application of mindfulness training for parents of children with developmental disabilities, divorce harms children term paper, with the goal of reducing stress and potentially increasing self-efficacy.
Benn and colleagues conducted randomized controlled trials to examine the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques, and found significantly positive effects on stress reduction and associated variables e.
Collateral effects of these techniques are seen in caregiver competence as reported by parents Benn et al. Instructional programs A large literature documents the effectiveness of programs designed to instruct parents in implementing approaches that promote the skills e.
Roberts and Kaiserdivorce harms children term paper, for example, found strong positive effects on the receptive and expressive language skills of young children with intellectual disabilities in a meta-analysis of 18 studies of parent-implemented language training programs that utilized a control group.
Effect sizes ranged from. Smaller effects were found for studies comparing parent-delivered and professional-delivered treatment. This finding suggests that children receiving the treatment from parents and speech pathologists made comparable progress, which indicates in turn that, when appropriately trained, parents can be effective facilitators of the language development of children with disabilities. Programs that have instructed parents in promoting the reading skills of their young children with disabilities have likewise documented positive effects.
Two randomized controlled studies Crain-Thoreson and Dale, ; Dale et al. The What Works Clearinghouse has examined this literature and found that these studies meet their standards of acceptability.
Particularly for children with ASD, interventions involving parents have generated positive outcomes. Many comprehensive treatment programs have been designed for children with ASD, and almost all have a parenting component Odom et al. These comprehensive programs comprise a set of practices that are based on an organizing conceptual framework, address a variety of developmental needs of the child, divorce harms children term paper, and generally occur over an extended period of time e.
These elements are detailed in program manuals. Some programs begin in a clinical setting, with the clinician taking the lead, and also are implemented at home by the parent. The Early Start Denver Model ESDM is the best and most well-validated example of this approach, divorce harms children term paper.
Dawson and colleagues conducted an experimental evaluation of the ESDM, finding significant effects on cognitive developmental and adaptive behavior. They also found differences in brain activation for children in the treatment and control groups Dawson et al, divorce harms children term paper. In a review of eight intervention programs for toddlers with ASD, Siller and colleagues document the variety of approaches used by these programs, nearly all involving families and most employing experimental designs to document efficacy although this summative review does not include effect sizes.
Other studies have documented the positive effects of early intensive behavior therapy delivered by parents.
For example, in a meta-analysis of 13 studies conducted in using experimental and other design types, Strauss and colleagues found that early intensive behavioral. interventions delivered by parents were more effective than those delivered only by a therapist. In summary, it appears that involving parents is an essential element of early interventions for children with ASD and in some cases may produce stronger positive outcomes than such interventions in which parents are not directly involved.
Interactional programs Interactional programs are designed to promote divorce harms children term paper social interactions between caregivers and young children with disabilities. They are based on research showing that some young children with disabilities have difficulty engaging in positive interactions with their parents and others Adamson et al. In these interventions, parents are taught how to set up play situations that encourage interaction and to respond in particularly encouraging ways.
In a number of randomized studies, Mahoney and colleagues employed a responsive parenting approach that resulted in increased social interactions among children with disabilities Karaaslan and Mahoney, ; Karaaslan et al. For many young children with ASD, joint attention—a specific form of divorce harms children term paper interaction that is a building block for later communication development—is limited or fails to develop.
Several investigators have developed interventions designed to promote joint attention among young children with ASD and their parents that have demonstrated positive effects in randomized studies Kasari et al. A variety of approaches have been developed to promote parenting practices related to behavior management. One such approach—positive behavior intervention and support PBIS —is a multicomponent program involving problem-behavior prevention strategies and increasing levels of behavioral intervention Dunlap and Fox, In a randomized controlled study, Durand and colleagues examined the effects of PBIS on parents and their children with a developmental disability and serious challenging behavior.
They found significant improvement in challenging behavior, as well as reduction in parent pessimism. Effects of the PBIS model were stronger when it was divorce harms children term paper with a complementary program of optimism training aimed at helping parents identify and restructure their parenting-related thought patterns.
The Triple P-Positive Parenting Program Triple P Sanders et al. tal health divorce harms children term paper described in the next section. An adaptation of this program—Stepping Stones—has been used with parents of young children with disabilities. Individual randomized controlled studies Sofronoff et al, divorce harms children term paper. Similarly, the Incredible Years Program was initially designed for parents of school-age children with conduct disorders Webster-Stratton,but has been adapted for and applied with parents of young children with disabilities.
In a randomized trial, McIntyre found that the Incredible Years Program reduced negative parent-child interactions and child behavioral problems. In another study focused on parents of children with autism, divorce harms children term paper, investigators evaluated a pilot study of 16 families with children ages with a diagnosis of autism and parent-reported disruptive behaviors Bearss et al.
There are significant research gaps in the area of interventions for parents of children with developmental disabilities, such as implementation of interventions in natural environments and support for child and family transitions. Although a primary feature of early intervention programs funded through IDEA—a feature required by the federal government—is that they must occur in natural settings, and although IDEA encourages the creation of a transition plan for children moving from early intervention to preschool, the committee found that little or no such experimental research has been conducted, nor do these gaps appear to inform directions for future program development and research.
Behavioral and mental health challenges encompass a range of behaviors and conditions. The psychiatric, psychological, and educational professional communities use somewhat different terminologies, but they agree in identifying these behaviors and conditions as occurring in children who, divorce harms children term paper.
present with externalizing e.
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Know the Issues. Share with Others. These are the primary areas in which Family Policy Alliance is focused. Explore the topics to familiarize yourself with the main arguments of both sides, discover what the Biblical view is, and learn how Family Policy Alliance is fighting for you Education. People with disabilities have, on average, a lower level of education than those without disabilities. In the case of individuals with mental illness, lower levels of education may be attributed to the fact that mental illness often strikes in adolescence and early adulthood, when formal education is being undertaken. 8 Interruptions in education have consequences that reduce Nov 16, · The increased rate of criminality among children with incarcerated parents has a cost of $ billion. Incarcerated individuals also experience higher rates of divorce and lower rates of marriage, which is estimated to reduce economic growth by
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