Abstract The focus of this research paper is on the death penalty (or capital punishment). In the following paragraphs the definition, history, psychological and sociological factors will be researched. Also the nature vs nurture debate in relation to death penalty will be discussed, as well The present paper pursues a two-fold goal. On the one hand, it intends. to clarify the content of the prohibition of torturing and sentencing pregnant. women; on the other hand, it will explore whether the legal interest. safeguarded by the norm at hand was solely that of the father, having particular the death penalty within the U.S. and the concerns of the international human rights community stand on common ground. If the U.S. is headed toward the abolition of the death penalty, the next few years will be crucial in determining whether that process is rapid, or drawn out over many decades. The Trend Towards Worldwide AbolitionFile Size: KB
Choosing Topic For A Research Paper On The Death Penalty
The controversial nature of capital punishment has continued to cause disparate contentions with regards to its imposition or abolishment to address capital offenses. Globally, the organization Amnesty International, a global movement that aims to end grave abuses of human rights, has continued to monitor and report the number of countries that persist in using the death penalty.
In this regard, the research aims to contend support to the retention of the death penalty as a means to address the most severe capital offenses. The current study would initially present relevant statistics of countries practicing capital punishment, those who support abolition and facts about states practicing the death penalty in the United States. The advantages and disadvantages of death penalty would thereby be death penalty research papers before pursuing a review of related literature death penalty research papers what scholars and criminologists believe regarding the practice of capital punishment.
A recommendation would be provided after integrating highlights and findings from the discussion, before a concluding statement that reinforces the argument on death penalty research papers capital punishment for criminal offenses. The global trend shows a decreasing number of countries carrying out executions, as shown in the illustration below:. Source: Amnesty International, In the United States, the Death Penalty Information Center showed that a similar trend was manifested from the high of 98 executions in death penalty research papers only 32 performances in p.
Further, as depicted below, death sentencing likewise exemplified a decreasing pattern:. At the point, the study would determine the underlying rationale for the use of implementing capital punishment. One of the most significant reasons for the imposition of capital punishment is for crime deterrence.
The graph death penalty research papers would clearly show that as the number of executions decreases, the murder rates increase. Besides, Bradbury n. com: The Death Penalty and the Declaration of the Sanctity of Life, n. No executed murderer has ever killed again. There are several arguments for capital punishment.
Foremost among these is that the death penalty serves as a deterrent to people who intend to commit a capital offense Hinton, The website studyworld. com stated that the death penalty is said to deter crime by putting the fear of death to people contemplating killing someone Studyworld. com, n. It went on further to say that if a person thinks that harm will befall him if he does something wrong, he will no longer pursue it.
As mentioned on the same website, another reason why the death penalty deters crime is that there will no longer be a killer if he is killed already. This is applicable, especially in serial killer cases. Another significant advantage of adapting capital punishment is that the penalty is justified by the crime itself Hinton, If a person kills another person, it is but fitting that he suffers the same fate too.
As Kozinski U. It is easier for the victim if still alive and his family to move on if they know that the perpetrator of the crime has been duly punished. In life imprisonmentthe criminal may be granted parole or escape; therefore, death penalty research papers, they may commit another crime.
However, this issue has already been adequately addressed by the modern forensics and DNA testing used by criminal investigators Hinton, The opportunity to kill an innocent person is almost zero. Based on the above arguments presented, it is believed that the death penalty research papers penalty is a justified punishment for criminals of capital offenses.
The BalancedPolitics. It often draws top talent laywers who will work for little or no cost due to the publicity of the case and their personal beliefs against the morality of the death penalty, increasing the chances a technicality or a manipulated jury will release a guilt person, death penalty research papers. It creates another form of crime deterrent. Justice is better served. Our justice system shows more sympathy for criminals than it does victims. It provides a deterrent for prisoners already serving a life sentence.
Prisoner parole or escapes can give criminals another chance to kill. It contributes to the problem of overpopulation in the prison system. It gives prosecutors another bargaining chip in the plea bargain process, which is essential in cutting costs in an o Source: Messerli, There is a wealth of academic sources that discussed various facets of the death penalty. A website on the Death Penalty Information Center contains information ranging from issues, resources, facts, reports on the topic.
The authors observed a balanced discourse of deterrence by citing George W. Bush and Janet Reno, as quoted below:. The deterrence reason for capital punishment has likewise been identified by the following authors: Ellsworth and Gross, ; Thomas, ; Zeisel and Gallup, Lambert et al.
The Testimony before the Joint Committee on the Judiciary of the Massachusetts Legislature on House Bill by Jeffrey Fagan, a professor of law and public health at Columbia University, has justified that the death penalty would only be useful as a deterrent of a crime if it would be applicable and imposed on the majority of criminals found to be guilty of capital offenses. At the present rate, where only a selected few are being executed, the rationale for deterrence is not adequately justified.
For present purposes, I accept the morality and utility of punishing one person for influencing another. I do strongly support the effectiveness of punishment and do not need to disregard the death penalty as a more effective deterrent than a lesser punishment. In view, therefore, to make it more effective, a more structured process should be imposed to increase the rate of execution to serve its ultimate objective of deterring crimes.
From the highlights of the information gathered on the current study, one recommends that the death penalty be retained as a means to address the most severe capital offenses. The proof from the statistics presented that by decreasing the execution rates, subsequent increases in death penalty research papers rates occur Prodeathpenalty, death penalty research papers. Capital punishment has been instituted primarily for crime deterrence.
Therefore, to increase its effectiveness, death penalty research papers, despite growing public opinion for its abolition, to attain death penalty research papers recidivism, the only way for criminal offenses to be minimized is to retain the death penalty. It is believed that the death penalty is a justified punishment for criminals of capital offenses. The research supports the retention of the death penalty as a means to address the most severe capital offenses.
Its effectiveness could be improved through a closer review of the frequency and rate of execution to serve and justify its ultimate purpose of crime deterrence. Copyright Privacy Policy Contact Us, death penalty research papers. Death Penalty Research Paper. Introduction The controversial nature of capital punishment has continued to cause disparate contentions with regards to its imposition or abolishment to address capital offenses.
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January 20, Sustainable Mass and Ethical Tourism January 19, Analysis of Technical and Economic Viabilities and Strategies January 19, Disaster Resilient Engineering Innovations to Mitigate The Effect January 18, Leave a Comment Cancel Reply. Financial costs to taxpayers of capital punishment is several times that of keeping someone in prison for life. The endless appeals and required additional procedures death penalty research papers our court system, death penalty research papers.
It sends the wrong message: why kill people who kill people to show killing is wrong. Life in prison is a worse punishment and a more effective deterrent. Other countries especially in Europe would have a more favorable image of America. Some jury members are reluctant to convict if it means putting someone to death.
The possibility exists that innocent men and women may be put to death. Mentally ill patients may be put to death. It creates sympathy for the monstrous perpetrators of the crimes, death penalty research papers.
It gives prosecutors another bargaining chip in the plea bargain process, death penalty research papers, which is essential in cutting costs in an o.
Death Penalty Research
, time: 8:56Death Penalty Research Paper | Advantages and Disadvantages
Abstract The focus of this research paper is on the death penalty (or capital punishment). In the following paragraphs the definition, history, psychological and sociological factors will be researched. Also the nature vs nurture debate in relation to death penalty will be discussed, as well May 12, · One of the most popular topics for an argument essay is the death penalty. When researching a topic for an argumentative essay, accuracy is important, which means the quality of your sources is important. If you're writing a paper about the death penalty, you can start with this list of sources, which provide arguments for all sides of the blogger.comtion: Education Expert the death penalty within the U.S. and the concerns of the international human rights community stand on common ground. If the U.S. is headed toward the abolition of the death penalty, the next few years will be crucial in determining whether that process is rapid, or drawn out over many decades. The Trend Towards Worldwide AbolitionFile Size: KB
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