Saturday, November 27, 2021

Add custom header thesis theme

Add custom header thesis theme

add custom header thesis theme

May 20,  · How to edit to add your custom banner image in Thesis: Everything above was preparation for the simplicity of the code below. Whether by FTP or file manager or control panels, you will need to reach a path that terminates like this, though variations abound: /wp-content/themes/thesis_15/custom/ Jul 11,  · If you do a quick Google search on adding a custom Thesis header, you will find several tutorials by loyal Thesis users (such as myself:), teaching you how to customize your header by adding hook code either your file or your custom_functions file. These solutions still work but they can be messy if you don’t get the code right and Sep 07,  · Adding A Custom Header Graphic To Thesis Adding a header graphic to your thesis installation is now a simple 3 step process. Step 1. Create a header graphic to be used on your site. You can buy your header graphic via this site on the “buy a logo” page. We have reasonable prices! Step 2. Go to your Thesis menu in your WordPress Dashboard and click on “Header Image”

How to Add a Custom Banner Image to the Thesis Theme Header – CSS Version

UPDATE : This tutorial is no longer necessary as Thesis Version 1. To help them out I put together a quick 3 step tutorial on how to add your new header to your thesis website, add custom header thesis theme. Step 3: Add a few simple lines of CSS to your custom. css file :. css file. On the page that comes up, the first editable text box will be your custom.

css file in the text editor of your choice. To insert your new header, just copy and paste the following into your custom. css file, making sure to change the height, width, and url to match your own values:. jpg' no-repeat; outline: none; }. custom header logo. custom header tagline { text-indent: px; }. custom header tagline { height: 0; }. custom header { padding: 0; }. Click here! This post is tagged ThesisTutorialWordpress Themes.

Thank you; this was very helpful. I had it almost working before, but the combination of the Open Hook plugin and your tutorial got me where I wanted to be with it. Hi, I have to say that so far your tutorial has been the best! I am no hotmail programmer and find Thesis quite overwhelming. Now I seem to have the space right, add custom header thesis theme, but my picture does not show.

You have some extra characters in your custom. css file, possibly from when you add custom header thesis theme and pasted from this page. if you fix those, it should show up correctly.

Do it like this:. I just put it at the beginning of the file — but it should work wherever you want I believe. Below is a direct cut and paste from my custom. css file:.

same as the above poster — you have some miscellaneous characters in your custom. css file causing it to not work correctly. Emailed you a solution. I just highlighted the text on your page copied it into notepad and changed the image info. Same problem as above. custom header { padding: 0; } EDIT : found miscellaneous quotes that were added. Fixed it. I found this blog post on how to do it and it worked really well.

However, there were a few additional tips which helped […]. This is what I put in the css. the above is what i didcopying wholesale from the instruction above. I got the same problem as everyone else. What am I doing wrong? Everything works i just got the path messed up somewhere I guess because I have no pic showing. I am a total beginner.

How do i locate the path to my image? it should be:. I pasted in the CSS exactly as in the post and modified only the image name. I even tried putting in the absolute path to the add custom header thesis theme now reverted backbut no success that way either. Never mind.

I read through some of the comments. I am totally confused. I am using Thesis with OpenHooks and tried it in their customcss. I tried a single straight quote and double straight quotes. Am not sure what to do at this point. Will you please help? You are looking at the site that I plan on moving to WordPress. It is Obvious from the address that it is a wordpress HOSTED blog in my link.

YES I am using the Thesis theme. I bought and paid for it and am trying to get it the way I want it before I import my blog data as I assume most people would do. Have you activated the custom. css file to be used through the thesis options? Amy, what is the site that you are referring to? What is causing the curling of the quotes? It looks fine in the Thesis OpenHook custom.

Please Help! Thank you. have you actually entered the info above in your custom. Thank you so much for your help, You are great!!! Many thanks!!!! You rock!! This article has saved me. Same problem goes for me. When looking at my custom, add custom header thesis theme. add custom header thesis theme and editing the header image, I have:. yes, add custom header thesis theme, your source code shows extra slashes in there. You may need to download the file via ftp, modify it, save it and reupload it.

That should fix it I think. Great info here, thanks. I have two images in the header, two different links. Thanks for this help. I have the clickable link header up on my site. Please could you say where. The tutorial is very helpful, I have the thesis theme and absolutely enjoy it. Thanks for the help to put together a better looking website. Can anyone suggest what I may have done wrong? It should be here:, add custom header thesis theme.

Once you do upload it to that directory it should no longer be a blank. Thanks for replying so quickly Peter. Is there something I need to do to activate it? the permissions should be correct. i just realized. the graphic you have uploaded is named differently than what you have in your CSS file.

The file is actually named:. Thank you! I put the code in for my header and it shows up in IE but not in Firefox or Chrome. Any ideas why? When I realized my mistake and fixed it, bingo! Great tutorial! Peter: Great tute! Can Add custom header thesis theme change the color of my background in the header area?

How To Create Custom Headers in OceanWP

, time: 19:29

Thesis WordPress Theme: Adding Custom Header With Thesis Openhook

add custom header thesis theme

Sep 07,  · Adding A Custom Header Graphic To Thesis Adding a header graphic to your thesis installation is now a simple 3 step process. Step 1. Create a header graphic to be used on your site. You can buy your header graphic via this site on the “buy a logo” page. We have reasonable prices! Step 2. Go to your Thesis menu in your WordPress Dashboard and click on “Header Image” May 20,  · How to edit to add your custom banner image in Thesis: Everything above was preparation for the simplicity of the code below. Whether by FTP or file manager or control panels, you will need to reach a path that terminates like this, though variations abound: /wp-content/themes/thesis_15/custom/ Jul 11,  · If you do a quick Google search on adding a custom Thesis header, you will find several tutorials by loyal Thesis users (such as myself:), teaching you how to customize your header by adding hook code either your file or your custom_functions file. These solutions still work but they can be messy if you don’t get the code right and

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